Poetry and Short Stories

Poetry and short stories are another love of mine and also where I started my self-publishing journey. Although the poetry takes a back seat to the novel writing these days, I still find time to produce short stories and have two collections available.

Four Life Emotions (Poetry)

A poetical journey through the emotions of Faith, Pain, Humour and Love, is given by this Ulster poet through investigations into flat-pack DIY trials, dark invocations, Christian musings and chocolate as a cure for marital problems! Further probings include the complex interactions of cricket and gardening, floods in our towns, red wine as an aphrodisiac and the passing of good letter writing.

A Darker Shade of Light (Short Stories)

What drives a man back into the desert that nearly took his life? Sniffing it’s way back to you, what lurks in the undergrowth? What choices chill a man to the bone? How do you avoid the rising evil from the deep? Take a journey through the trials and tribulations of a life seeking to follow Jesus, but seen through the tapestry of other lands. Through allegory, “A Darker Shade of Light” seeks to highlight the passions and emotions of following the King of Kings whilst also bringing to light the dilemmas of choices faced. By using starkly different contexts, these difficult decisions are given a fresh airing, yet the the simple wonder and joy of this life are brought to the fore.

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2 thoughts on “Poetry and Short Stories

  1. […] Jordan’s first book of his poetry “Four Life Emotions” is available at Amazon, Smashwords and other […]

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